Corporate Event Planning & Production

  • Budget Planning and Oversight
  • End-to-End Event Planning & Production
  • Sponsorship Management
  • Partner Negotiation
  • Vendor Booking & Management
  • On-site production
  • A/V Coordination and On-Site Execution
  • Content Writing and Editing
  • Travel & Itinerary Planning
  • People Management & Training

    Event Planning Experience


    • Global Leadership Conferences
    • Local All-Hands Events
    • Virtual Staff Updates & Presentations
    • Experiential Technology Conference Booths (AR/VR)
    • Consumer Electronics Show (CES) Sessions
    • Advertising Week NYC Sessions
    • Publicis Virtual Diversity Summit
    • Digital Marketing Expo & Conference (DMEXCO) Booths
    • Cannes Lions Conference Content
    • South by Southwest (SXSW) Content

    Event Images

    Photos from Events Led by Kristen Knox
